In mid-January this year I completed a grant application with associated documents to the Public
Service Commission Rural Energy Start-up Program RESP. This grant involved upgrading current
energy-consuming items. I focused on our heating and cooling equipment and interior and exterior
lighting which were installed when the community center was built in 2003, making those items over
20 years of age.
The grant required that energy audits be conducted to determine our current energy use and what our
savings would be after upgrading with new equipment and LED lighting.
I am excited to report that our grant application has been approved for a total of $61,300.00 with
no match of funds. This will replace our heating and cooling units and replace all our interior and
exterior lighting with energy-efficient LED lighting. This is huge for our town as we will not need
to look at replacing these items for the next 15-20 years and enjoy the energy cost savings as we
go forward.
Phillip Christenson